Since I was in an arid climate and didn't irrigate much slugs were only a problem during the winter. Slugs are not fans of hot dry air so they go dormant most of the year unless you irrigate. In wetter climates, slugs can be a problem most of the year.
You said they got to everything except the two plants you mentioned. Would you give us a list of what the slugs ate? It might be that there are other things you can grow that don't get eaten by the slugs. That way you can not even have to take up the battle with the slugs and still have food to eat. I stopped growing lettuce because the snails loved it too much. Although, the lettuce that came up on its own because I let it's predecessors go to seed didn't seem to get eaten up as much. So even though I didn't plant it anymore, I still had some lettuce to eat. What I grew instead where things like beet greens, turnip greens, chard, and malabar spinach. I'd harvest some tender
volunteer lambsquarters and purslane to throw in salad as well. In my gardens, all of these survived the slugs quite well. Do you grow any of these? Did they get devastated by those munching critters too?