Oregon is suffering from an affordable housing shortage of more than 24,000 units, and many in the state hope tiny homes could fill the gap. Oregon has passed HB2737 which requires the state to define the building codes for Tiny House of 400 sq ft or less
We have discovered a low-cost method of building tiny homes. It is called Air-Crete. It is Portland Cement and Dish
Soap. Non-skilled workers can use this method to build affordable housing. We will be offering a series of Free
workshop Wednesday 1:30 – 4:30 pm Feb 6, 2019, in Lincoln
City, We will be making the modules to build a
Sustainable 400 ft Tiny Dome House.
CLICK HERE To hear the Crete Air-designer’s Ted Talk
energy, and
We are available to share our research with anyone if there is an interest.
A FREE Air-Crete Workshops is Schedule Every Wednesdays 1:30 - 4;30 PM at Lincoln City, OR… RSVP
Feb 6 ….. Make Forms and Pour blocks
Feb 13 ….. Pour Blocks and build a wall in
Greenhouse with blocks from previous weeks
Feb 20 ….. Pour Blocks and build a wall in
Greenhouse with blocks from previous weeks
Feb 27 ….. Pour Blocks and build an Air Crete Drying House with blocks from previous weeks
Starting in March, we will be offering a 30-day intern program in Air-Crete at the cost of $450/month. ¬¬ncludes a private bedroom and all workshops.
If interested complete the On-Line Application at
This room is in a house on the banks of the Siletz River with free watercraft available for Kayaking, Crabbing and Salmon Fishing. This room is only available for one month for a person who wants to learn how to live sustainably. This is our way the Sustainable Living Center of Oregon is introducing people to a sustainable lifestyle.
1. Private Bedroom shared bathroom, kitchen and living room at $450/month. One month is the maximum stay. After one-month, other living arrangements can be made at other locations.
2. Up to 10 hours/week of free Sustainable Workshops concern existing sustainable Air-Crete lifestyles designs.
3. Up to 15 hours/week of free supervision on new Sustainable Air-Crete Projects.
Only people who are interested in learning how to have a Sustainable Lifestyle
should apply. You must complete the
online Application and the attached "Way of Working" form to be considered. If you do not complete these forms, your application will not be considered.
The only additional cost to you will be your food and personal expenses. There is no cost for the material costs, tools, and instructions for the Workshops or Research Projects.
To apply ... complete the On-Line Application at www.Asktaxmoms.com/lifestyle
The Center is on the banks of the Siletz River near Lincoln City Oregon. All workshops and projects are at the Center.
The Center is financially self-supporting by renting Kayaks and Crab Catamarans.
To apply go to the On-Line Application at www.Asktaxmoms.com/lifestyle
• Phone service or cable not provided, but the internet is available.
• Bed linens are available, but not towels
• No smoking in any of the Center's building or vehicles
• Absolutely no drugs (legal or illegal) of any kind
• No Dogs or Children are allowed, but Cats OK -- dogs and children allowed at the RV sites only.
• Off-street parking
To apply ... go to the On-Line Application at www.Asktaxmoms.com/lifestyle