What am I going to do with my whole giant 13 acres? lol. We'd like the farm to pay its own bills eventually, though it'll take a while.
Honey and wool will be our main product, though of
course we'll be happy to
sell our surplus eggs, meat, vegetables, and anything else that we can. I'm not sure we can make enough off the farm to have an income, but I hope we can at least supply our own fuel, most of our food, and enough cash to cover the cost of any extras that the farm needs. I expect one of us will always have to have an outside job.
The land is in NY, not far from Syracuse. I have an overhead map of it, and I've also found it on Google maps. It's on a south-facing hillside, though there are a few flat spots. The flattish areas have the thinnest tree growth, so they
should be easy to clear out a bit. We're going to clear things out a bit as soon as we close on it, and leave the
wood to season for next year's heating. We'll probably also set up
hugelkultur mounds so that they can cook over the winter and be ready for some plantings next year. I'd like to get some fruit and nut trees in as well. There are already wild
apple and crabapple trees, sumac, and some other possible
wild edibles. We also have a huge
deer run going right through the property, so hopefully we'll be able to take a couple of deer every year. We might even put a small
pond in eventually. There's a spot that seems ideal for one.