So my setup for making "nice bread" with an electric oven goes like this:
- Bottom rack as low as it goes covered with firebrick splits
- top rack as high as it goes with pizza stone and water pan
- vent blocked
- water pan was water in it during oven warm up so steam can soak into bricks
(I figure a brick oven gets lots of steam from burning
- oven gets preheated as high as it goes till about 15min before loading
- Then temp set to 450degrees on broil setting for baking.
( The baking setting burns the bottom of the bread. If an oven can't be set to
broil at the lower temp, it is better to bake with it turned off or leave some
lower bricks out so the heat can get to the air on top)
(my mix... makes 4 and half 30oz loaves... I was making 34oz loaves but they won't fit my peal)
Wild yeast... made from 4oz flour and 4oz water, I can use tap water here but some people use bottled.
flour 71oz -I use whole grain, but often mix in barley,
flax, rye, etc.
water 56oz
salt 1.5oz
The batch in the pictures was mixed at 4pm one day and bench at 8am the next with a house temp of about 20C(70F).
Pictures are my oven set up and the loafs benched (for about 15min, but longer ok).