I'm pretty sure I'm now the Queen of Dumb Questions about Sheep. But, maybe someone else has the same question, and won't feel so dumb because they'll be able to read this
thread, rather than having to ask the question themselves.
Anyway, I'd like eventually to get some little shetland sheep, for their fiber and maybe
milk and some meat. And to mow my
lawn and keep my bramble in check. But, I don't want to make a huge
fence dividing my hill, and I'd like to do some sort of paddock-sift/rotational grazing.
People always seem to talk about doing rotational grazing with either 4+ permanently fenced-off areas, or with some sort of electric fencing. But,
solar electric fencing doesn't work too well where I am, because of many months during the winter, the pasture only gets 2 hours of direct sunlight. And, I've heard that sheep don't always respect electric fencing. And, zapping my own animals doesn't seem too great.
I'm wondering if I could make-shift some mobile fencing with
cattle panels for 3-4 small shetland sheep. I've never delt with cattle panels, so there's probably LOTS of reasons that this might not work out. Please tell me! I don't want to invest time and money in a system that won't work.
And, does anyone have any ideas of mobile-ish fencing that isn't electric?