i am planning to build something similar and some things i have considered are:
the sun angle is quite low in dec and an insulated N side is a good thing
but by the time it is warm
enough to bring plants outside the sun is much higher in the sky
even starting the day ne and ending nw
so maybe have insulation on a roll being rolled up and down nightly for the south facing part
and a temperature controller roll up motor controlling insulation on the top/north facing side/s
or just as the season progresses remove insulation from the top opening up more area above
the roll would have to be inside to operate properly
i might even go triple poly
solar panel and batteries inside structure to be warmer and free of snow
i was also looking to build with
fence top rail and hoop bender at first and i still plan to make this style of pit tunnel hoop house
but for the deep winter greenhouse i think wood on a steep slope would be better since it does not transmit the cold as much and water will not condense on it like with the steel pipe
also looking into jean pain
compost heating
possibly the pile being in proximity/part of the north
berm to further heat the thermal mass
ideally the s facing area will have room below the poly for lots of snow to be able to pile up without the light being blocked
also a solar
water heater inside the structure to circulate heated water into youre reservoirs whenever it is warm enough to do so would help
RMH would
be nice too
my plan is to throw everything i possibly can at it and hope it works