Friday 25 March, BRK #68: Garden Day 5
Knowing we'd be at the Lab both shifts today, I packed myself a respectable lunch before work began. Paul joined us at the Allerton Abbey to disseminate a portion of what he has in mind to make it a gardener's paradise. It was a lot of info, and now we all have a cohesive idea on what work is to be done there within the next month and beyond. I took to the idea of augmenting my primary hügel with additional hügely bits. This is to serve at least two functions: block the sight line to the front porch from the driveway approach and, of
course, more growing space.
After lunch, it was time to focus once again on getting the
irrigation system up and running. Dez, Mags and Kyle peeled three logs for posts to hold the
solar panels, Caleb used Rex to fill the pit around the cistern, Jeff devised a way to force the air out of the main pipes, and I helped him execute it. I also switched the tractor augur to the 18" blade and figured out how the PTO attachment locks in. Tonight's the night I sleep at Bartell's for the first time in a long time. Looking forward to that Lab life, OTG!
Coydon Wallham wrote:
How is Mud's coaxial venting working in the red cabin?
I'd say that it holds up. Probably not the best for systems that have potential cold plugs, though.