I have made my living for many years selling other people's junk. When I do demolitions I
sell not only the building components but anything useful within.
When not involved in a job I constantly gather anything valuable which is being thrown out knowing that eventually I will get another perfect retail location which my demolition sales become.
I have worked with many part time scrounge guys. Some of them are great at
scrounging stuff but have no means of retailing. I have marketed for them on a commission basis. I've also traded for what they may have.
To be a proper scrounge it's necessary to network with others. I may look in a bin and find 20 identical jackets. The next guy might find 200 plastic pails and the next guy finds some other product in excess of what he can use for himself. I constantly keep myself aware of what my brothers and other scroungers have accumulated and we make trades all the time.
Because of my business I sometimes become the unofficial sorting house for all this stuff. People call me to find out where to get stuff and more often to find out how to get rid of stuff they don't want. This puts me first in line for the good stuff.
Quite often people call me wanting to rid themselves of furniture that is still good but not terribly valuable. If they have somewhere to store it I encourage them to advertise it
online and on the notice boards at the University just before semester changeovers. Kids who are only staying for one year appreciate price over quality. For free brings them in every time.
By advertising a scroungers trading club you increase your efficiency since you don't need to ever turn stuff down because there's too much for personal use. You'll be doing yourself and society a favor by recycling a greater percentage of the waste stream and every meeting becomes an exciting treasure hunt.
Thank you: Dale the demolition guy