Khaki campbell ducks are naturally skittish and may never be friendly. They will probably always keep their distance. There are other breeds that are less skittish and those are the ones you see people holding or hand feeding.
The good news is that if you stick to a similar routine each day, they will adapt to your routine after a few days. What we found that helps is to have a consistent voice call when you feed them or move them. Something as simple as her duck duck duck! Use it a bunch and they will recognize that they get fed after that call and typically come running. It might take a week before they adapt.
Once your drake is mature
enough, which should happen about the same time as the females start laying - pretty much all the eggs are fertilized. Especially with your tiny flock. The sperm can live in the female for about a week making all eggs fertilized during that week. So even if they only mate sporadically all the eggs should be fertilized.