So I have a turbine (hydro, but this question
should be the same regardless wind/water so hopefully some of you wind gurus can help....) which has 3-phase output (10A) to a DC bridge rectifier. A Tristar diversion load controller dumps excess power to prevent batteries overcharging.
I'm increasing turbine output from 10A to around 20A DC (measured after rectifier) by adding a second
water jet - the turbine is rated for a max 50A output at 48v so no problem there.
I don't fully understand how turbines work electrically and so how this will affect the DC output voltage of the rectifier. I'm guessing as the current from the turbine doubles the voltage will remain pretty much the same, hence doubling the output (P=VI)?
My concern at this time is if the voltage output of the rectifier will be too much for the batteries. How do I measure this DC rectifier output?