Hi everybody,
Listening to the Passive Income Stream podcasts has made a big impression on me. Many years ago, I have tried selling stock photos once which never really took off. But now I am motivated again to try every thing imaginable within my capabilities.
I already uploaded all my photos on stock photo platforms and some of my records on music streaming service with better conditions for artists and listeners than spotify.
I have already found the big list of passive
income streams and other related threads. While I think that most of the ideas are legit, I found that I most likely won't do many of them. They don't all apply to what I am capable of doing, either through lack of skill, money or time.
All the lists, one can find on the Internet, are a good addition to what can be found here. But again, I won't be trying them all.
I thought, wouldn't it
be nice if I could get suggestions based on my situation? Unfortunately I didn't find any website or an app for this.
So, I did it myself: I wrote an app, that exactly does that. I have come up with a bunch of questions and as soon as a suggestion fits to you, you get it presented.
But I didn't stop there. I decided to include money saving tips as well. Many of which also align with the
permaculture lifestyle. Heck, I even included "Go poo-less" if someone is "willing to try something out of the norm".
You can probably guess, that it also contains some
affiliate links, because this is supposed to be part of my passive income stream. The app is also very open about it, when you get suggested to use affiliate links ;)
I wanted to know how you think about it. Do I do justice or mess things up? I hope this app is useful, even to more seasoned permies.
I am open to any criticism, positive or negative.
You can find the app here for android