We have 6 Pekin ducks. We got them as ducklings and started them in a kiddie pool. Then the big day came, the became big boys and girls and found the
pond. They loved swimming around and playing then they got spooked by something and came out with wings flapping, feathers flying and it sounded like I had 1,000 ducks quacking. I went to the
pond and, of
course, I couldn't see anything.
A few days later, I saw a turtle stick his head up. It is just a common KY turtle but the ducks won't listen to me.
They spend the day looking out at the pond but have only gone in 3 or 4 times this summer and always come out in a panic.
They have a landing so they can go in and get out easy. I have caught a turtle and moved it to another pond but it either found its way back or a new one showed up.
Any ideas on how to get the ducks back in the
water or why they won't go in?