Thanks, Michael. I'd like to hear more about people who have just spread the biochar on the ground. I've been thinking a lot about it.
I have started some experiments, but they are long term, and some time will pass before I have any
concrete answers. Now you should know that I am a contrarian by nature with a propensity to look at things from a different point of view- backwards, sideways, etc .- upside down being my favorite. This colors my view of things, I freely admit and also I am sometimes wrong! It happens. My motto is: “There’s no ox so dumb as the orthodox!” The best example I can give is this: for thousands of years, everyone knew the earth was flat – it was pretty obvious that if it weren’t we would all fall off….except, wait a minute, everyone was wrong. A few individuals claimed it was round, but in putting forth their views, they were pretty much “spitting into the wind.”
The subject I broached in my last post needs a name so I’ll call it the “Surface Biochar Theory”. I find a need to explain all the exceptional mid-1800’s posts on charcoal/biochar. Especially in light of the fact that their bio-char was an eclectic assortment of left-over waste from brush burning, coal burning, steam engine wood burning, peat burning, etc., etc. And superior results to what everyone now knows is proper mixing into the soil and proper charging it first. Oh and guess what? No one has ever explained how the terra preta soil can be harvested every 20 years and it keeps renewing itself with no new bio-char added. Could the Surface Bio-char Theory explain that phenomenon? Maybe……
O.K. let’s start with nitrogen because that is bio-char’s biggest disadvantage. Everyone knows (and in this case it is well documented) that it robs the soil of nitrogen during the first year unless previously charged with nitrogen before mixing into the soil. But that wouldn’t be the case if the char was deposited on the surface. In my first post I glibly asked, “could the bio-char adsorb nitrogen from the air and then have it washed into the soil by rain?” In my research I found no
answer whatsoever to that question. However, nitrates usable to plants, as well as a baker’s dozen other nutrients can and do precipitate from the air in the form of dew! Lots of studies have catalogued the chemical composition of dew and rain drops, usually with the goal of calculating pollution or pollution cleansing by dew and rain.
Chemical compositions of Dew and Scavenging of Particles in Changchun, China
Rain and dew waters were collected and measured in Changchun city during 2013 and 2014. The concentrations of cations (Ca2+,Mg2+,Na+,K+,andNH4+) and anions (F−,Cl−,NO3−,andSO42−), EC (308𝜇S/cm), and TDS (154 mg/L) measured in dews were considerably higher than those measured in rains. Dew exhibited near-neutral pH (to 7). The dew chemical composition revealed an abundance of the major cations Ca2+and Mg2+ (continental origin) and the major anions SO42− and NO3− (anthropogenic origin). The acidity from dissolved CO2, SO𝑥, and NO𝑥 was mostly neutralized by NH4+ and Ca2+, thus giving an alkaline character to dew. Rain events affected the ions concentrations of dew. Dew events with the higher ionic concentration happened following longer periods without rain. In the whole process of condensation, dew had the ability to capture particulates. The purification ability of dew was strong at the beginning and weakened at the end of the condensation process.
Generally, dew contains twice the amount and twice the number of compounds as rain because it condensates closer to the ground and there is less total water in dew. Also, rain may fall only rarely during a period where dew may collect daily. In average areas, dewfall is 10% of annual rainfall, but this may be significant if it comes when needed the most and if it collects nutrients for plants right out of the thin air! Consider this:
The mineral content of air and rain and its importance to agriculture
Ingham, G. (1950). The mineral content of air and rain and its importance to agriculture. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 40(1-2), 55-61. doi:10.1017/S0021859600045500
o DOI:
1. Evidence, both direct and indirect, has been adduced to prove that the air is sufficient both qualitatively and quantitatively to supply all the nutritional requirements of plants, independently of the soil or soil bacteria.
2. The fertility of an undisturbed soil lies chiefly in the surface inch or two and is due to adsorption of plant nutrients from the air by organic and inorganic colloids, such nutrients being carried down to the roots of the growing crop by rain.
So can bio-char condense dew? We know it could hold on to the water and nutrients if it did. In thousands of references to dew collecting, ancient and modern, I found zero mention of charcoal except to clean the dew after collection. That doesn’t look promising. But wait. In a study of unusual materials to collect dew, 9 of the top 20 best materials were open celled of various sizes, 5 of those being made of pyrolyzed polyurethane foams of different porosities – so carbon from foam from oil rather than wood.
Reticulated vitreous carbon foams were prepared by carbonizing polyurethane precursor foams
Qualities needed for good dew collection:
1) Large surface area
2) Good emission of heat to cool at night
3) Rough, hydrophilic surfaces to grab dew; Smooth, hydrophobic surfaces to let dew drip by gravity
4) Alter air movement. (need 1 to 4 m/sec) to bring more moist air
But not more to evaporate the dew again…..)
So bio-char comes up short on number 3). Well sometimes. Up to around 500 degree pyrolyzing, the char is hydrophobic and much of the porous interior is still filled with wood tars, phenols, etc. Up to 800 degree pyrolyzing, it becomes hydrophilic but some tars and phenols remain. Flushing with high temperature and high pressure steam removes the last of the tars and the char becomes “activated carbon”, also hydrophilic. And more to the point, if bio-char can condensate some or even a lot of dew with its load of nutrients, can it then deliver that water and nutrients to the soil. My own home-made low temperature char is quite hydrophobic until soaked for a few days, but then it becomes a very good wicking material so that is potentially a route to the soil in contact with it……
So now we come to my final question. I’ll call it the “Terra Preta Regeneration Theory”. Terra Preta is mined 2 to 3 feet deep and sold to areas of lower fertility. It is then left for 20 years during which time it regenerates itself and can be mined again. With no more bio-char added. How? I’ve looked at electron microscope pictures of charcoal with bacteria clustered around pore openings and mycelium threads growing right down into the pores as far as can be seen. What are they after in there? Not carbon; they could get that on the surface. Probably not nutrients captured by the char unless they can enter tubes too small for the bacteria or have enzymes that the bacteria don’t. What I believe is that they are after the tars and phenols of the original wood and that they can use those for energy. I haven’t yet found research to support this idea, but I have found research showing that bacteria can live and grow on these tars and phenols:
From: Impact of Biochar Application to Soil on the Root-Associated Bacterial Community Structure
“Additional biochar-stimulated genera not affiliated with plant growth stimulation or induced plant resistance in the literature included Hydrogenophaga and Dechloromonas, whose relative abundance was 0.2% ± 0.02% in control samples versus 0.7% ± 0.16% in the biochar-amended samples and 0.06% ± 0.08% in control samples versus 2.2% ± 1.6% in the biochar-amended sample, respectively (Fig. 4). Hydrogenophaga spp. were shown to dominate biphenyl catabolism in a horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) rhizosphere contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are naturally present in coal tar, crude oil, and natural gas (53). In addition, Hydrogenophaga spp. can utilize the aromatic contaminant 4-aminobenzenesulfonate (4-ABS) as the sole carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur source under aerobic conditions (19). Dechloromonas spp. are found in soil environments, where they can oxidize toluene, benzoate, and chlorobenzoate, generally with no detrimental effects on adjacent plants (10). Previously, the chemical analyses of the biochar used in this study revealed that it is enriched with an array of aromatic compounds, such as phenol, methyl-phenol, and dihydroxybenzenes (24). This may explain the enrichment of these aromatic compound degraders in the biochar-amended samples.”
(The major components of wood creosote (phenols) are susceptible to oxidative degradation when exposed to air (oxygen), particularly if the material is basic (high pH).)
From: Wikipedia:
Microorganisms and animals
Bacteria and fungi (myco-organisms) live and die within the porous media of charcoal, thus increasing its carbon content.
Significant biological black carbon production has been identified, especially under moist tropical conditions. It is possible that the fungus Aspergillus niger is mainly responsible.[43]
The peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) ingests charcoal and mixes it into a finely ground form with the mineral soil. P. corethrurus is widespread in Amazonia and notably in clearings after burning processes thanks to its tolerance of a low content of organic matter in the soil.[54] This as an essential element in the generation of terra preta
One author made an “in passing” remark that maybe bacteria and fungi create carbon and earthworms and other soil creatures carry it to the surface. I think he was almost right but just got it upside down. I think the fungi and bacteria create the carbon at the surface and the earthworms and soil creatures carry it down. I think that fungi and bacteria that are adapted to eating the tars and phenols in the char multiply over time with the addition of char to the surface until they are numerous enough and able to eat the tars and phenols from the leaf and grass and wood litter and turn vegetation into biochar organically. Really putting the bio into bio-char!
We know from composting that a lot of bacteria use carbon for energy and nitrogen for food and then fungi are needed to break down the cellulose and lignins that are left. And our temperate forests are full of fungi that can break wood right down to basic nutrients. But they use up the carbon. If these special fungi and bacteria noted earlier that are attracted to bio-char can proliferate and break down organic matter in a fashion that leaves the carbon intact, whoa now we have a carbon sequestering method not previously envisioned!!! Without burning and wasting more carbon except to get it started. Example aspen lignin is (C31H34O11)n. and an example cellulose is (C6H10O5)n.. Perhaps these fungi and bacteria can break down these molecules without using up the carbon; maybe using carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen from the air. I think maybe fungi are the more important agent, simply because with their extensive mycelium network they would have better access to water. Too bad bio-char already means pyrolyzed; it would have been a good name for organic char. Maybe Organic Char works.
I was walking in the woods today and I found the same thing in our temperate woodland! Logs and stumps that were half buried in a bog which were decayed in such a fashion as to leave sheafs of carbon upright on the tops of each hunk of wood. All the fallen wood or stumps nearby which did not have their feet in the water were decayed in the normal fashion!!! Maybe this is how the famous black earth of the Holland Marsh north of Toronto was initially formed before they drained it for farmland. Maybe it is our own preta north…..
Ray Sauder