This is about maybe an entirley different approach to pattern formation, or is it the same? My garden is fairly large - about 15,000 square feet, and it is surrounded on all sides except the side our house is on by a very high quality undisturbed natural forest. The lot itself was wiped clean by the previous owner when they built the house not too long ago so when we arrived on the scene it was in the very early stages of succession - in other words it was covered with weeds up to 8 feet tall, patches of grass here and there, and patches of dry hot sand. We have decided to plant a food forest. First we put in almost all of the
trees, and they were spread out in accordance with their eventual size, and shade requirements. Now I'm installing shrubs, mulch plants, legumes, and eventually all the other types of guild plants that
permaculture calls for. Most of the plants are being put in places where it's easier to plant them - that is, where the sand was already bare. Funny thing happened this morning while I was planting pigeon
pea and lamb's quarters - the garden pattern began to take shape organically! It was as if it made itself happen and I was only there to provide the labor. It sounds kind of crazy I know. But the main pathways through the forest are beginning to form, and eventually I will have the opportunity to insert the keyhole beds, etc in the appropriate places when those spots are revealed to me! The funny thing is, it's starting to look a lot like the leaf photo above. Can anybody tell I'm having fun?