I'm pretty sure many people have trouble uploading images to permies in a quick and robust way. At least I know I have had trouble, and have helped quite a few other users who were having trouble.
One of my personal challenges was the fact that my phone stores photos in really high resolution with giant file sizes sometimes 7mb each. So if I'm uploading files it takes forever to finish, and especially on my phone often fails before it finishes.
I found three very useful tools for making this faster without manually editing the image size of dozens of photos.
On Linux
ImageMagick is perfect. I used to use it all the time for bulk actions like resizing 100 photos when I used Linux. It has command line options, which make me happy because I'm a CLI dork.
For Android I recently found
Photo Compressor, it does the job well and quickly and it's not too bloated with ads and hopefully doesn't have spyware.
For Windows I just found a windows tool called
PowerToys which has a great right-click resize option. This PowerToys software is my new favorite thing. It can do all sorts of other useful things that I was pining for on Windows.
Anyway, those are three options for three common platforms that might help you get your images up on Permies with less hassle, hopefully making Permies an even better place to spend your time.