Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Some places need to be wild
John Weiland wrote:Mostly for work reasons, but also out of curiosity, I've been having to dive into command-line computing pretty much for the first time. I was able to hold off getting into personal computers until the first Macs emerged offering GUI and never really had to learn DOS. Some programs in graduate school that ran Unix were needed occasionally, but I really found the command-line tedious. Turns out, there is a ton of software (much of it freeware) in the Linux realm that is command-line while some of it has been converted to GUI. But for the work-related offerings, the evolution of the software is so fast that it's generally considered by the developers not to really be worth their time to spend the extra effort making it GUI-----why spend all of that time when the command-line version works fine (*If* you know command-line Linux) and by the time the GUI version came out, the software itself might be obsolete? That seems to be the rationale I've come across.
That said, and although I've seen articles on the web comparing and contrasting many of the Linux distros, I've yet to find a comparison that explains *why* you would want to use one distro of Linux over another. I'm still playing around with ElementaryOS on a flash drive and it does work spiffy, especially as I boot to it on a Win7 machine (32-bit) and can revert back to Win7 when needed. I've been directed on several occasions to GitHub for software, but find it still a bit daunting to do downloads, installs, and running of command-line apps. If there is a "Linux for total dweebs" resource out there, please let me know as I would love to practice the lather, rinse, repeat of download, install, and run with simple Linux apps. Thanks!
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
Jain Anderson wrote:After using nearly every version of Windows (since 3.1!!) on my computers, I didn't want to 'upgrade' again so I got a laptop that is DUAL OS - Linux and Windows 7. I mainly use Linux but have Windows 7 for older programs that I still use. And while I am a 'digital dino' (been around computers since late 1960s), I am not a programmer type so Linux is very bare bones for me. Yet it works fine.
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
Some places need to be wild
Lucas Green wrote:Not to pick a fight but why would you ever use Linux instead of an updated version of Windows? I get the despise for Microsoft, but their OS and productivity software (just word, excel and outlook alone) are far superior and save more than their cost?
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
Lucas Green wrote:Not to pick a fight but why would you ever use Linux instead of an updated version of Windows? I get the despise for Microsoft, but their OS and productivity software (just word, excel and outlook alone) are far superior and save more than their cost?
Jain Anderson wrote:
Lucas Green wrote:Not to pick a fight but why would you ever use Linux instead of an updated version of Windows? I get the despise for Microsoft, but their OS and productivity software (just word, excel and outlook alone) are far superior and save more than their cost?
I'm with Mart Hale - trust of Microsoft and Google, in all its forms, is why I turned to Linux. I feel a lot more secure in my online use and I still have access to the Windows features (like Wordpad) that I prefer over Open Office Writer.
I'm frankly very tired of how Microsoft hasn't improved it OS but only added patches on top of patches and Google like intrusions that do not serve me, only those unidentifiable entities (usually advertisers!) who want to data mine me.
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
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