I give all ours names, with varying degrees of success because of that.
My names are easy, whatever their ear tag says.
It gets kind of comical because as I am out in the pasture, it sounds like I am doing Trigonometry, "Come on Four Fifty Six, leave her alone", or, "let's go six seventy one, get in the barn."
I am sure the neighbors wonder what the heck I am doing, as I am going out through my pasture, personifying numbers...of shepifying numbers as it is I guess... but it makes naming easy. Like I already know the next sheep here will be names Seven Eight Two.
But with the children, my naming method has less impact, and I just sound like a heartless father. But since I have four daughters, and I was forever calling Mariah; Alyson, and Alyson;Kaeyn, or just going through 3 names before I found the right name for the right daughter, I just adopted the number method. Now I just say, "Hey Number Three, time to clean your room!, or "I love you Number Four". Unlike in the pasture where it can be comical, I just get strange looks by the neeighbors while in the grocery store.
Now with the wife, my naming method does not really work at all. Because I have been married three times, and despite a deep sense of affection regarding this, Katie seems to have issues with being referred to as "Number Three", She actually really hates being referred to as "Number Three". I have abandonded that name for her, but mostly because it gets confusing because am I referring to "Wife Number Three" or "Daughter Number Three"? And since I am on my third wife, I am starting to realize unless I want my next wife to be "Number Four", I should probably just refer to "Wife Three" as "Katie", just to appease her. But I do know what you are thinking at this point, how could Wife One or Wife Two leave such a fine romantic, loving, and affectionate husband, an
answer I do not have an answer for!
But it should be pointed out, despite the practacality of such a method, I do not tag the ears of children or wifes with their respective numbers.
To the chagrin of "Wife Three", AKA "Katie", I also have my body tatooed with the name of "Wife One", AKA "Tina" with a
dragon holding a heart with her name in it. That was silliness on my part as I should have known we would get divorced as I always introduced her to new people as "and this is my first wife Tina", kimd of a phropehtic statement in that regard.
And I did find out that divorce is indeed expensive because when my sister died, I got the "buy one, get one at half off" headstone deal at the granite shop, and now have a polished granite step, that says "Travis and Tina Johnson" with our birth dates and epithat on it even. So much for planning ahead...
So yeah, naming has not really been a skill I mastered yet.