I really like adding little places to sit and hangout on my wild homestead. These places are areas where I can sit and observe the natural abundance around me, places for my family and friends to gather, and places where I just sit peacefully and read a good book or meditate.
This week’s blog post—
Why Outdoor Sit Spots Help You Build a Natural Life —is all about why you
should consider creating what I like to call outdoor sit spots.
When I’m designing my growing areas I always try to make them areas where people are welcomed. This means adding in nature trails and outdoor sit spots. The trails bring people to these areas and the sit spots encourage them to stay and hangout for a while.
What is An Outdoor Sit Spot
An outdoor sit spot can be anything ranging from a formal bench to a nice large rock or log. It really just needs to be something that is relatively comfortable to sit on.
I like to use natural materials when I can so my sitting areas blend in with the surrounding plants. But sometimes a bench can be a nice addition. Luckily, you can make benches from logs and even rocks to make them more natural looking.
Most of my growing areas have old logs around the edges of them. These logs provide habitat and create small micro-climates. But they can also work as outdoor sit spots if they’re big
Sometimes I will just add some large
wood rounds with their flat end up between 2 logs on the borders of the growing areas. This way it looks like it just a continuation of the border but it also becomes a nice place to sit.
I also look for little nooks that I can add a single wood round or rock that someone could sit on. These nooks are great spots for getting away for a bit and meditating or reading a book.
Make Your Wild Homestead a Welcoming Place
Sometimes when building our wild homesteads it can be easy to focus on the production side of things. You want to maximize growing space and get a harvest.
But a wild homestead should also be a place for people to just simply live.
This week’s blog post is all about this and I hope it will inspire you to add outdoor sit spots to your wild homestead and if you already have some to continue adding more.
Before you go please leave a comment talking about your favorite place on your wild homestead to sit and hangout. Also, feel free to share a picture if you have one!
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