Stephen Cummings wrote:Thanks for the response. I figured that was the case but wanted to double check. One more question tho. Should I run the electric inside the fence to keep goats from pushing out, or outside to keep predators from pushing in? I have coyotes, fox, bear, and rumor has it mountain lion in my area. I also have some concern about deer (mostly the parasites they will leave). I plan on a 6 inch, 14 inch, 32 inch, and then one on top maybe 55 inch or so electric line. Should I add a 5th row?
I would not bother with electric fencing at all. I live in about the same predator area as you, and in 8 years I never had a predator kill on any of my sheep or lambs. 48 inch Field Fence stops a lot of that nonsense. In the 8th year I got a deal on
LGD and so she is just added insurance. If you are super worried, you will spend as much on a LGD (or less) as you would in installing electric fencing. The dog will be far more effective.
Electric is just a pain, between trying to maintain the grass, maintaining the shock, keeping fence chargers charging...the brilliance of woven wire is you take 3 days to put it up...then do nothing for 30 years. That is why it is so cheap in the long run. I have it and my sheep NEVER get out.