Paul Wheaton, the owner of Permies, produced a video series that is available to purchase, that is the most in depth resource available. There is a ton of free information here as well.
If you can weld, a simple square tube (over two inches x two inches) will work. The top leg of the L shape (chimney)
should be at least twice the length of horizontal leg (firebox.) That is it in a nutshell. The firebox can be at an angle 35 to 60 degrees off the horizontal is you wish gravity assisted
wood feed. A J tube design can also be used with a vertical firebox connected to the horizontal combustion chamber described above with the L shape design.
If you don't want to weld, the same design and dimensions can be made out of dry stacked or mortared fire brick. The dimensions are not critical, just make sure you have
enough vertical chimney to combust the gases completely, as that is the main advantage of the RMS.