I use cardboard and newspaper, both non-glossy, to start fires or get some flames going after having reloaded the stove, 10 minutes earlier. I also use newspaper to start my charcoal chimney which has actually never had charcoal in it. I start with twigs and then sticks and work my way up to about 2 inches in diameter. This is for my smoker but I adapted the technique for my wood stove. I use cardboard as the chimney in that case and stack stuff in there the same. I tear a hole at the bottom of the cardboard chimney to have a place to light the paper. With the cardboard chimney, I don't go over 1 inch in diameter because the chimney collapses pretty quick. Once it does, I continue to stack sticks on the burning twigs.
The shiny cardboard/paper leaves a burnt plastic like film that hinders the flame plus there's heavy metals in those inks. None of my stoves are catalytic. I do have one with the stainless steel tubes with a bunch of small holes that introduces fresh air into the top of the burn chamber.
My favorite stove is a Fisher Papa Bear and we also have a Fisher Grandpa Bear. It works as good as the Papa Bear but the Papa has a bigger flat spot for cooking. With the stove at the right temp, it's the best way we've found to cook bacon. We use our 12 inch
cast iron skillet and it all cooks evenly. If we use that
skillet on the electric stove or propane camp stove, the middle is hotter than the outer area.Right now we have the little high efficiency with the burn tubes because it will go a long time with just a little wood but when it gets colder, we'll swap it out for the Papa Bear for winter and then swap back in Spring. The little stove does have a flat top and we can heat things up in a sauce pan with it. I wouldn't buy a stove that didn't have a nice flat top for setting pans on. I've made pizza, cake and corn bread on the papa Bear. I use a lid from one of those small Brinkmann smokers and set the cake pan on a thin wire rack.
I did read on a forum once where a guy said he doesn't have a lot of creosote, unless they burn their trash in the stove. Crazy but in a case of an emergency ....