posted 5 years ago
I posted this in another forum, but it was deemed better placed elsewhere.
I had a cherry tree that had a borer. I overheard a friend talk about a possible solution. I asked him about it. Then I tried it.
I kind of saw it and tried to stab it with a paper clip, but it didn't work, so I tried his idea.
This sounds crazy, so bear with me.
He put aquarium cement all through the holes in the tree. The theory is it suffocates the borer, it dies because it can't get out and breathe, and the tree then lives.
I tried it. It worked! The tree is still producing cherries, 10 years later, and has no holes nor borers. I have had no other borers anywhere.
The tree has since grown through the aquarium cement and it just looks like a normal healthy tree.
Aquarium cement costs about $5.
The tree produces way more than that every year, and it makes me happy.
John S