posted 5 years ago
So in the summer I went on a trip to Idllywild, Pine Cove, which is located in southern califronia at an elevation of 6000 feet, where I saw a grass with large seeds that I decided to grow at home (beacause I'm curious). The ones I planted at home in September look much happier than it's lone, sad looking 6 inch tall mother who bore only about 15 seeds. The plant might have escaped cultivation, or a hybrid of one that did, but has caristeristivs of wild grass species, too. The seed heads do not emerge at the same time (the first seed heads emerged in october, the most recent ones emerged just yesterday). The seed heads also do not ripen at the same time, as you can see in the pictures. The plant doesn't seem to have a brittle rachis. The hulls can be removed with threshing, but are tight on the grain. The stalks are about 12 to 18 inches tall, with about 3 to 5 stalks per plant. The grains dont shrink much as they ripen. Please help me identify this species. Any help would be great. Here's some pictures.