Hello all you worm fans in Permieland,
I may have discovered the reason for the unrest among the blue worms. It seems they are living in red worm bins and frankly don't like it. All kidding aside that may be the case.
I decided to segregate my worms now that I have so many bins. The first attempt at this was putting the bolting blues from the various bin into their own fresh new bin. It was not a very inviting bin as it was fresh wetted
cardboard with a small amount of dirt thrown in to inoculate the bedding with some soil life. Usually when I start a new bin, I add a healthy amount of worm castings to make the worms feel more at home. I did not want a bunch of red cocoons in the new bin so I did not do that this time. My point in providing all the info about the bin is that is was not a special environment by any means. In fact it did not have the usual attention given to it for ventilation as it was a temporary throw together.
What I have discovered in the past several weeks is that the blue worms which had been bolting from their prior home were now quite happy with their new surroundings. My conclusion is that either they don't like red worms or the red worm castings or the reds have organized to evict the blues.