Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
Nicky McGrath wrote:I do garden with small children and I'm not sure how it's worked out! I also have a garden in view of the play area (and climbing tree) so that works well.
This summer I will have a 18month old and a 5year old. The 5 year old is already excited about the garden.
My first summer on our property I would take a stroller walk to put him down for a nap and then park it in the shade while I worked outside.
I really want to kick the gardening up a notch this year but it really is tough to do when you're also looking after littles.
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot: http://gardenofgaladriel.blogspot.com
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Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com
Bihai Il wrote:I didn't expect to see a lava floor installed in a greenhouse.
Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com
William Schlegel wrote:My son is now three years old. Professionally my wife and I have both worked as essentially gardeners in some of our past employ.
I do garden with the little guy and such things as berry picking both in the yard and out and about. He really enjoyed double digging a bed with me last fall.
However, we do struggle to get things done with him around. As he gets older we expect eventually this will all get easier.
Do you garden with small children? How's it working out?
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