I just came upon your thread concerning Ernie and Erica RMH workshops in Australia. We were looking to build one for this winter and therefore would absolutely love to offer our house as a possible workshop place if still required and timing works? We live in bend of islands which is an environmental zone just 1h from Melbourne CBD. Even if a full workshop is not an option anymore, we would still like to somehow receive them and get something happening that get us and hopefully a few friends to start the RMH journey...
Hi there, very first post ever. We just bought 10 acres and I have every intention of finding out how to build a rocket mass heater somehow. Google brought me here- I've been coming here for years but only just registered. To say, me me me, hands up to a RMH gig in Victoria. I realise this is pretty late- like over a year or something, but good things take time innit.
i'm a bit late as well, but only just heard about and got interested in rocket stoves, dunno if they are good or bad, work or otherwise, need more info' and need info on building one, apparently the ones they sell burn too fast and cost too much.
calling on danial; the link no longer works
With peace and brightest of blessings,
"Be Content With What You Have And
May You Find Serenity and Tranquillity In
A World That You May Not Understand."
We should throw him a surprise party. It will cheer him up. We can use this tiny ad:
two giant solar food dehydrators - one with rocket assist