Quail Seeds in northern CA has Bigger Better Butternut, Beef-Bush Black Beans, Magic Manna flour corn, and Cascade Ruby-Gold flint corn all bred by Carol, as well as Gronninger Blue Kale and other eat-all greens Carol recommends. Those who were familiar with Carols offerings at Fertile Valley will recognize many of her recommended varieties, like Bronze Goldring (Crispy Crunchy Green-Gold) lettuce, Russian Hunger Gap kale, and Kentucky Wonder beans.
They also carry Jonathan Spero's Open-Source sweet corns and a large selection of other open source seeds. Non-hybrid non-gmo sweet corn is hard to find, and Jonathan, who died last year, was one of the giants in the organic, open-source seed breeding world. He was a founding member of the Open Source Seed Initiative, and served on the board, which Carol Deppe now chairs. If he had been a writer as well as a breeder, his seeds would be a equally sought-after.
Quail has a page of
perennial vegetables too, as well as heritage wheat and barley, gluten-free grains, heirloom poppyseed poppies, and more. Well worth checking out