The Following 3 pictures are of the coup I built a few days ago from a kit. It holds 8
Edited to add uploaded pictures instead of linked.
I plan to build a Salatin Style Meat bird
I'm ordering 8 Buff Orpington Egg-Layers, and a few Red Ranger Meat Birds. I'm also getting a heat lamp and bulb from the hatchery because the farm store is out of stock.
I've got 80 lbs of starter-grower feed* in a lidded plastic trash can, 5 lbs of mineral grit, 2 lbs of insect treats, 2 feeders, and a waterer (need another waterer for the
chicken tractor).
*with probiotics, prebiotics, calcium, protein, vitamins, and non-gm grains.
It's a new adventure to be sure. The Egg layers are grandma's
project and the meat birds are mine. We are building a brooder in the dining room (we don't often use the room and it can be closed off from the living area by a pocket door so the heat lamp is more efficient).