I'm glad your doe looks like she'll survive. Were you sure of her due date?
We don't discuss non-organic wormers on Permies. There's been times when I've used
diatomaceous earth, but in general I prevent worms by keeping goat food off the ground and supplementing them with the minerals they need. Copper is talked about a lot as a mineral that works against worms, some people are afraid of giving too much of this because at too high a dose it can be toxic, I've never had problems with it though.
Plants high in tannins are good to
feed to goats to get rid of worms.
Right now my goats eat trees, but I'm establishing silvopasture, and once that's done I'll be keeping an eye on grass height and rotational grazing to make sure they're not eating grass that's too close to the ground, and that the pasture has a chance to rest and break the worm cycle before goats go back there.