The weed burners aren't like gas-powered motors, it's just an adjustable propane gas jet, almost silent. There's no jet-blast affect where you have to fight to hold onto it.
The hardest part about it is if you buy the very cheapest one and have to carry the tank around and the hose is too short. If you get one with the larger tank (make sure it's refillable), use one of those ratcheting tie-downs to attach it to a dolly or a kid's wagon (etc) and pull it behind you.
It is really only safe to use when the weeds/grasses are green. The heat causes the plant cells to rupture. Still, they're only good on weeds that don't have deep tap
roots. They don't kill things like
dandelions, unless maybe if you make repeated attacks (which I never get around to doing).
Here is a
video of the Red
Dragon Flame Weeder in use: I'm sure you're smart
enough not to have dogs or small children nearby, or be wearing floppy bell-bottoms and sandals while you work...