We used two typical types of clothes lines:
1. the quintessential 'Hills Hoist': generations of kids got into big trouble swinging on these. Most people have them if their backyard is big enough. Also, throwing a tarp over it means clothes can still be dried in wet weather. Some entrepreneur also manufactured a fitted tarp so it could be used as a sun-umbrella or
shelter tables of food during parties!
2. the lean-to design: two sturdy posts placed in the ground as far apart as you like. A timber cross-member bolted to each post so it can tilt. Then string two or four lengths of wire between the cross-members and pull tight. Clothes are then pegged to the wires - a large stick or pole can be used to hold one side of the wire higher than the other e.g. for large items such as sheets and towels. (The photo shows a fixed cross-member version, which isn't as good.)
3. a creative
Permie version.