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"The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, these are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" Gandolf
Read Shakespeare or other books aloud
Go for walks outside
Identify all the plants outside for the baby
Sings songs from hymnal
Dance to my favorite music
Sing Silly Songs:
o Hi, My Name Is Joe
o Johnny Works with One Hammer
o Five Little Hot Dogs
o Five Green and Speckled Frogs
o Five Little Ducks
o Five Cans of Soda
o Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree
o Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
o Five Little Snowmen
o Wishy Washy Washer Woman
o Down By The Bay
o Peanut, Peanut Butter
o Oh An Austrian Went Yodaling On Mountain So High
o I’m Bringing Home My Baby Bumble Bee
o Where Is Thumbkin
o Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
o Willaby Wallaby
o Aaron Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar
o If All of the Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gumdrops
o If I Had a Hammer
o Do You Know the Muffin Man
o Found A Peanut
o Baby Shark
o And the Green Grass Grows All Around
o Bump on a Log in the Middle of the Sea
o Down the Dusty Trail
o Ants Go Marching
o One Elephant Went Out One Day
o Itsy Bitzy Spider
o Farmer in the Dell
o Roll Over, Roll Over (There Were Ten in the Bed)
o Hokey Pokey
o Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
o All Around the Mullberry Bush
o It’s Raining, It’s Pouring
o Rain, Rain Go Away
o I’m A Little Tea Pot
o I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
o Little Bunny Foo Foo
o Mary Had a Little Lamb
o Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
o Little Miss Muffit
o My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean
o Michael Finnegan
o Old McDonald
o On Top of Spagetti
o Pat-A-Cake
o Row Row Row Your Boat
o She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
o Skip, Skip, Skip to my Lou
o This Old Man
o Wheels on the Bus
o Zippidi Do Da,
o Bicycle Built for Two’
o There’s a Hole in the Bucket
Sing Bible Songs:
Come join me at
Nicole Alderman wrote:I found it helpful to think of all the songs before hand, so I didn't get tired of singing the same song...
Kerry Rodgers wrote:Learn about baby wearing. We got one of the mass-market baby carriers as a gift. It wasn't horrible, but... My wife eventually found that several of the "hippy" alternatives work much better, and baby-wearing was an absolute lifesaver. I've no idea what technology the current generation is using on this front, but the benefits of learning to do it well are enormous. Baby is happier, more comfortable, more attached. Parents' backs are saved (at least enough to continue the parenting), and can actually get other things done (for the baby!) with a hand or two free. We had a hard time learning which one worked for us and how to use them, because we didn't start until the need was already great. Practicing a little before-hand and asking other parents about it seems like it would've been a good idea.
elle sagenev wrote:Just drop all of your preconceived ideas of how this will go and give yourself mondo amounts of grace.
I was famous for saying, I will never, or I will. Guess what, kids have a way of making it so you eat those statements.
Libby Jane wrote:Get cloth diapers ready, learn about elimination communication if you're interested. Seriously reduced the volume of diapers we used and made potty training easier.
They gave me pumpkin ice cream. It was not pumpkin pie ice cream. Wiping my tongue on this tiny ad:
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