Devon Olsen wrote:i really don't like your "silly english" block stuff paul...just sayin
People often have to type SMS messages with their thumbs on a tiny keyboard, while riding on a subway, being bumped by fellow passengers. Sometimes they have to pay by the character! Therefore, in an SMS, it's somewhat acceptable "4 u 2 wrt lk ths" (for you to write like this.)
But if you're posting on JavaRanch, you're probably using a real keyboard, sitting at a desk, in a comfortable chair. We don't charge by the character, and in fact, we strongly encourage you to use all the characters you need to express yourself clearly. Using abbreviations like "u" and "r" and "2" for "you", "are", and "too" makes your writing much harder to understand, especially for the many Ranchers for whom English isn't their native language. It also suggests that you don't care enough to ShowSomeEffort when presenting your question.
Likewise, calling the many adult Ranchers "d00dz" is not going to win them over to your cause; in fact, using that sort of horrid "h4x0r353" is likely to drive many people away -- people who likely would have been able to help you.
Please take the time to write out words in full, to check your spelling, and keep your language standard. The atmosphere of the Ranch will benefit, but more importantly, you will benefit because doing so will lead to your questions getting better answers.
"Plz" is not a word in the English language.
Tannim Kyraxx wrote:
I've seen a few versions of that sentence nearly every one I've shown it to in person has been able to read it on the first go with no issues maybe if english was not your native language it would be different but nitpicking about these kinda things seems silly when they distract you from the main point of a conversation
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Tannim Kyraxx wrote:And if something is unclear then having a discussion can help to broaden understanding of how language is used and growing examples i would use are things like prolly=probably kinda=kind of thnx=thanks as examples you can usually tell by the context sure writing a whole message of abbreviated words would be annoying but used here and there meh i don't see the problem
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
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Burra Maluca wrote:
Dale, you need to travel more...
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Burra Maluca wrote:Aw, it was really a secret offer to borrow our caravan if ever you found yourself in Portugal.
But the compliment was a little premature - English *is* my first language. It's the Portuguese I struggle with. I've been here for seven years now and am still not fluent but I have developed a deep appreciation of the difficulties in international communications. It's not just the words, it's the whole culture and mindset that go with the language. I'm sure there are plenty of differences just with UK and US English. Think 'pylons' for example. I'm sure you're thinking of something entirely different from the enormous metal structures holding up high tension electric wires that our local crazy woodpecker keeps bashing his head against.
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Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
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