I see the problem Megan. That’s what we call Bermuda grass. It makes a great
lawn here or golf course. It’s terrible in the garden though. You can mulch it all day and it still comes though eventually. I do believe the mulch weakens it and is much easier to pull out. Even if they hadn’t have tilled it would still be a problem for you. The only chemical control I’m comfortable using is white vinegar. Best sprayed on a hot day it will knock it back and buy you time during the growing season.
Crabgrass is a different animal. It’s a robust seasonal grass that spreads by seed. A single mature plant can produce up to two hundred and fifty thousand seeds. All of them are edible and chickens love them. Mine will walk around running their beak all the way down and pulling off the seed. The crabgrass grows from a center point out, Bermuda runs and pops up anywhere it likes.
Anyway, your garden looks terrific and other than adding white vinegar you’re doing everything you can.
PS. There are chemical controls you can buy if you are desperate. I’m very skeptical of anything that says it can kill Bermuda grass. Those
roots go down 2-3 feet!
PS. Those Italian Cypress in picture four look a little rough. I don’t know about your soil situation but here there’s a lot of clay. The
trees will live 7-10 years and die. The only thing that’s been proven to help is
mushroom compost. I know how strange that sounds. At this point you’d just add it on top of the soil around your trees and scratch it into the soil as best you can. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.