I probably get this request about four times a year. Someone with no
experience in a foreign country, does not speak Spanish, has never run a business in their life, hasn't even managed a small store wants me to teach them how to do what I do, but of
course they have no money...
I generally don't know if I
should be amused, or offended. I bet Paul gets the same.
What always gets me is how often people assume your time has no value whatsoever, nor you ideas, or your investment, etc. Sort like those who borrow tools, and return them dirty, etc.
The funny thing is that clients of ours who have paid are always so thrilled that the president (that would be me) is willing to spend all day with them as we walk the fields, without charge - and they invariably pick up my meals.
I guess it is how you are raised, as they say down here. If you have lived a life where everything was given to you, you don't value anything.