I fear that silvopasture might not float their boat ....
As much as I wish they just had a program to measure carbon accumulation in the soil and tree mass, I'm pretty sure this isn't happening. These are programs aimed at existing modes of production and are full of interest groups that are trying to warp/influence these programs to their benefit and ensure they keep the existing conventional systems in place as much as possible. Thus in order to qualify you have to be big, have
trees that are ready to harvest and (it seems) be willing to essentially donate a lot of the value in the trees as well. Thereafter the program pays you for additional carbon - and some logging/thinning can be done so long as you stay on the accumulation curve.
Of course, this is what's available to me. Options in BC might be different, but it would take an extremely enlightened program to accept your plans. Let us know if you find such a program!