Rick Kruszewski wrote:Don't think you'll get too many offers at that price
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
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Jay Angler wrote:Welcome to permies Chrystal. I'm totally curious - what area of Europe are you working in and what sort of a project? Is it a similar eco-system to your Dad's place?
Being from the "Wet Coast" of British Columbia, Canada I know exactly what you're describing, although rarely do we remotely qualify as "scorching". It certainly affects plant growth and what does well. I can plant tomatoes in May theoretically, but they don't do much and take a long time to produce. My sister in Ontario, Canada, will have cool weather much later, but will have ripe tomatoes sooner, for once it warms up, it stays warm.it's usually a whole gamut throughout the day, from really cool in the morning to patches of scorching hot throughout the day and then very cold at nights, even in summer months
Visit Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
How permies.com works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
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