Hi there folks, how do you do ? Tis nice to meet You. Being a newbie I just randomly read through here forums and I ended up here. Katya, pray tell me, how a single girl in early 20ties managed to posess a permaparadise ? Myself being from a crowded lil country in the heart of the old Europe being in my late 20ties, even though I am working fulltime, still have a long road to get a paradise of my own. Though being perfectly able to biuld a house of my own,
local law hinders me from doing so mainly because no official authority would allow me to build my dream
cob and
wood housey. How did You manage to live Yer dream ? Perhaps things work different in that there US, this making me think about mowing west
Also I am in big of a mess finding likeminded mates around here. I also am looking for a soulmate out of the consumption society scheme, be it hard I stand assured. Please tell me how one strats his ow permalife ? Where do You begin ? By getting some
land ? ... Whoa That is too much questions up in my head. Looking forward to get some answers thoug, may the force be with You