you will be planting a cool season grass or mix like bluegrass and fescue. You will have a hard time establishing the new grass before the heat of summer arrives. Last year I seeded grass already a month ago here in Colorado. It sprouted and then as the heat increased, much of it died, and I fought all summer. re-seeding. trying this trick or that. Fact is the cool season grasses
should be seeded in early fall. The ground is still more than warm
enough, but the daytime temps wont crush the new growth. After I had learned about the grass, I seeded some more areas last fall. It came up quickly, filled in nicely before the winter set in and is healthy and green already this year. Everything in the "lawn care" section is spot on. Your spotty lawn was very likely a result of watering too frequently, and not deeply enough. Ive been on the once a week, one inch at a time for a few years, the front lawn is completely awesome, 99% weed free. get a cheap rain gauge to ensure you are putting down one inch, once a week. It takes a few hours, but actually uses less
water than throwing water on it for 2 minutes every day.