Dear Permies Community,
First of all, I will do my best to keep this brief but we have been dealing with this for almost a year and a half now, so there is a lot to say. I apologize in advance if it ends up being lengthy. I'll try to make a TLDR version at the end.
For those that don't know me, since first signing up on the Permies forums, I've done my best to share what information I know about
permaculture and homesteading through How-To Videos, Photos, Blogs/Vlogs, Threads, etc. If you're curious, you can learn more about our story by reading my bio and visiting our YouTube channel. Although I may not have always have been super active in replying to other people's posts, I try really REALLY hard to do my part and contribute to the greater Permies compendium. That said, I need to call in a favor from the community out of sheer hopelessness and desperation.
Ok, here goes...
My wife and I have always tried to see the best in people when humanely possible. I believe that
most of the time, every person has something of value to contribute to the world. They have their strengths and their weaknesses, like we all do. No one is perfect. But there's a small fraction of the population that are nothing more than a drain on society. They are deceptive, manipulative and toxic to all those around them. They take turns screwing people over and using them up like a piece of toilet paper before running out of victims and are then forced to move on to the next place. It may sound harsh, but I now believe these people do not deserve to be respected, pitied or even forgiven if they change their ways because of the magnitude of damage they have caused to others with their carelessness. Unfortunately for us, our neighbors are these people, and in fact they are the worst kind of these people that I've encountered in my 40-or-so years on this planet. And that's saying a lot! Trust me, I've met my fair share of shady characters.
For a long time I believed in the basic decency of our fellow humans and treated everyone the way I would like to be treated. Sadly, after years of being burned, lied to and taken advantage of, I've become quite jaded and cynical. I say this because I know a lot of you out there will have the same well-intentioned reactions that our friends and family have had, such as "Just ignore them" or "Don't let them get to you". While I normally would agree with those strategies, I'm afraid it's not quite that simple in this case. No one else truly knows the extent of what we've had to deal with since these people moved next door. So it may be difficult to understand where I'm coming from at first. But I'm certain that anyone else who would have gone through something like this would feel similarly and would do everything in their power to stop their own Neighbors From HELL.
The Situation
A year and a half ago, our direct neighbors to the South sold their house to a guy from out of province and moved. We didn't know them very well. They were quiet and kept to themselves, like a lot of us in our rural neighborhood, and we liked that about them. Our direct neighbors to the North are the same way only our families have known each other for nearly 35 years, so we are closer and help each other out often, as good neighbors
should. For the most part, regardless of our level of socialization, everyone in the neighborhood gets along and we have each others' backs. That is, until the new people showed up.
Before they left, we had a chance encounter with the former neighbors to the South one day while meeting on the property line. Turns out they were really nice people. We then exchanged pleasantries and traded maple syrup for wine. We both remarked how it would have been nice if we had got to know each other better before they left. As the conversation ended, they told us a little bit about the new neighbors that would be moving in. They said that it was a family of 5 or 6, they weren't sure exactly how many, and that they had a dozen or so huskies with intentions of building a kennel on the property. (Remember this for later because it's important to the story) We weren't keen on the idea of living next a kennel of a dozen or more dogs, but at the time we thought it would be manageable somehow. I remember saying to my wife that "maybe they're just retired mushers or something". Little did I know that could not have been further from the truth.
A few months past. The old neighbors left. The new neighbors moved it. Nothing really noticeable or unusual happened - at first. Then the dogs started to show up. One dog became three, three became six and before we knew it, we had lost count. The first thing we began to notice was that the atmosphere of the environment changed dramatically.
We live in a very quiet rural area in Eastern Ontario. It's zoned Ag so the only people who live in this area are farmers and those that want to get away from the city/burb life. Most of the people know each other around here and are respectful to one another. We try our best to be mindful of our volume because the sound carries in the quiet country, especially in the winter. After the new neighbors moved in, all we could hear were their loud mouths and huskies barking, yipping and howling at all hours. We also often heard growling and fighting between the dogs, fighting between the dogs and the owners and fighting between themselves. That's when it became apparent that we had a serious problem on our hands.
After a few weeks, and before we even considered phoning the township and getting bylaw involved, we did what any civilized person with
common sense would do, we tried to reason with them. We thought we could also use that as an opportunity to introduce ourselves and see what type of people they really were.
staple stock on our little farm is maple syrup and our other neighbors know that when April and May come around, they can expect to get some syrup from us as a way of saying thank you for putting up with our clinking and clanking pots and pans as we often boiled into the night. We even give some to those that are not within earshot, just to be friendly and to keep with the traditions my grandparents started. So we gave some to the new neighbors too, along with a card that introduced who we were and welcoming them to the neighborhood.
A couple days later, they came knocking at our door with one of their daughters. They introduced themselves and offered a cheesecake in return. Now that I think about it, it was a store-bought cheesecake, which was a little strange, but they seemed like nice
enough people so we thought nothing of it. We talked for a little while and I subtly pried for information to find out what their intentions were with the property. They admitted to having 14 dogs at the time and we're planning to get more in order to run a kennel and also breed them for
profit. After they left, I remember we noticed how open they were about divulging information, even potentially incriminating information, to perfect strangers. Later we would find out this would be a recurring theme with the Mom, which I will now refer to simply as T.
A few more months passed and in that time, the noise level only got worse. We began opening our windows to let the fresh spring air in our home but all we could hear when we did was fighting and the sound of more than a dozen dogs. They were just so damn loud! All the time! What made it worse was that both parents had terribly foul mouths and they blamed their children for everything that went wrong with the dogs. They either didn't care that we could hear them or were that ignorant. Turns out it was a combo of both. As this was developing, we also started to see more and more dogs at large show up on our property and around the neighborhood. Some even went so far as a notoriously busy and dangerous highway a few kilometers away.
These are huskies so they are big dogs. We were lucky that the ones that came over were not aggressive, at least at the time, but we knew by the sounds and conversations we were hearing that some of them were. So we took all necessary precautions, such as reinforcing our doors and buying a surveillance system, all things we didn't have to worry about before.
But this began to get old fast and it was stressing out our dog who was having her territory repeatedly invaded and marked by other dogs. They would piss right on her dog house while she was in it and surround her until she submitted. After 2 or 3 of these incidents, we had had enough and began to phone bylaw enforcement and report these incidents to them. We also had another meeting with the neighbors and asked that they please restrain their dogs. We expressed how it was stressing out our dog and family. They seemed genuinely concerned and agreed to make an effort to contain them. Their excuse was that they use shock collars and that the batteries had died on them. I told the Father, henceforth known as J, that he should put up a
fence or take additional measures because shock collars for that many dogs is not realistic. He flat out told me that he could not afford to do that and likely never would. This is when the true nature of their characters began to emerge.
Another few weeks passed. This became a pattern. There would be no incidents for a week or so, then back to the way it was. More dogs showing up on our property. So more phone calls were made to bylaw. Bylaw kept saying that without proof, there was nothing they could do. It was our word against theirs and T and J were obviously not admitting any of what had happened to bylaw, like the pathological liars that they are. The bylaw enforcement officer told us to start noting the time and dates when these incidents occurred and said that it would be even better if we could capture them on tape. At one point they even suggested that we restrain the dogs until he could get there full well knowing that some of them were aggressive. After reading a few articles on the topic of dogs at large, he should have never said that because that is a big no-no for bylaw to even propose. A citizen should never put themselves in danger to restrain a dog at large. That's the job of the bylaw officer.
Despite being law-abiding citizens who had done nothing wrong, we found ourselves in a situation where no one wanted to believe us that this was happening, even law enforcement. The burden of proof was always on us. And so began our part time job of tracking all incidents of trespassing, dogs at large, noise violations, nuisances and more, to no avail.
From here, things only get worse. There were days where the neighbors fights were so loud that the police were called by other neighbors. There was one incident where an assault occurred between the family members. T's 20 something year old daughter and her boyfriend had assaulted J because of a reported theft involving bank transfers, presumably to do with selling dogs. We would later find out that T's daughter was pregnant at the time they moved in and was made to care for the dogs, in addition to paying rent and taking care of her 2 younger sisters, one of which is autistic.
On a side not here, taking care of a child with special needs is challenging on its own, but balancing that with caring for more than a dozen dogs and all the responsibilities of daily life is practically impossible. So their lives inevitably began to deteriorate further. They became desperate for money and J was caught on a neighbor's security camera, scoping houses and car shopping around the neighborhood. But his face was concealed so they were not able to prove it was him. Again, the burden of proof was placed on the victim.
T and J did not work or earn income other than selling puppies under the table. They just mooched off the system, defrauding disability and social services. We would also discover that there were concurrent issues going on with drugs, child abuse, animal abuse and even pedophilia. Suffice it to say we quickly felt uncomfortable with the idea of even living next to these people since we have two kids of our own. But we weren't about to give up our dream home that had been in our family over 3 decades just to get away from them. Not yet and not without a fight.
As our homestead grew and evolved over the following months, and we did our best to work through the incidents with our neighbors, the tensions grew. Repeated calls were made to bylaw and OPP (provincial police) on every incident, yet every time no justice was served. Whether it was dogs at large or trespassing, and even most recently, purposefully damaging our property, the township, nor police, were willing to enforce their laws. We started to feel like this was some kind of conspiracy and often felt like we were going crazy. How could this be happening?! The very people who make the laws are not willing to enforce them? It still boggles my mind to this day. T and J must have friends in high places is all I can figure, which is also confusing because we can't understand who would want to be friends with people like that.
To make matters even worse, we found out these people were renters! They had some sort of a rent-to-own agreement with the owner. The property owner, who we have never met or talked to and who has washed his hands of the whole thing, hired a property manager who has defended every single thing they have done, no matter how cruel or disgusting. I find that particularly peculiar because all the property managers I've ever known would throw their tenant out after 1 or 2 of these incidents, let alone a dozen or more. We figured the manager and owner clearly have a vested interest in their backyard breeder operation, inaccurately dubbed "House of Loving Huskies". Why else would they be so defensive? He must have a dog in this fight, no pun intended. The owner is also a member of the New Brunswick provincial government, so this goes deeper than we could have imagined. We were sure that something very shady was going on here.
Just to further demonstrate the types of characters we are dealing with, one of the last times we talked to T and J, their dogs had got loose again in the night and got into our trash. We woke up to find garbage all over our driveway one morning. When we went over to confront them about it, they admitted it was their dogs and apologized, saying it would never happen again, like they always say. What was tragic that time was we caught J on his way to buy dog food that morning. When we went to talk to him before he left, we observed trash strewn about their
yard and the dogs were eating it. The poor things were obviously stsrvy and these lowlifes were probably spending what little money they had on booze and drugs instead of buying food for their dogs. It makes me angry and sick to my stomach every time I think about it.
We have been through everyone at this point, going all the way to the top, to provincial and federal MP's and with absolutely no justice! We've tried everything! It's a clear indication of how broken our system really is. No one seems to want to get involved unless it directly affects them somehow. It's a sickness in our society - a new level of selfishness. We are not being protected by the laws that are supposed to protect us and now, as a result, my family lives in fear for their safety and security living next to these awful people. We have contacted Bylaw, OPP, the mayor, council, township,
local, provincial and federal leaders, CAS, OSPCA, PAW, hell even CRA. Even with the mountain of proof we have (videos, audio, pictures, puppy adds, even T's own daughter who used to live there has confirmed all our suspicions and is on our side... despite all this, no one will help us!!! It's friggin' crazy!
I'm counting on someone out there in Permieland who has a soft spot for animals and some knowledge that will help us. I'll take anything I can get. Any little piece of advice will help. Anything at all, no matter how small it may be might help.
Thank you so much for hearing me out and for any help or guidance you can offer. I will do ANYTHING to protect my family and my homestead but sadly if this keeps up another year, I don't know if we can handle it mentally and emotionally. We don't want to move but we've started talking about it as a possibility, as a last resort, and it just breaks my heart. It makes our whole family cry every time we bring it up.
We don't want to lose our Maple Grove Dream Farm! My grandfather built this house in 1986 and lived here for 30 years with my grandmother before we took over. It would be a real tragedy if their legacy was tarnished by these no-goodnicks and their exploitative ways with animals.
I sincerely hope no one out there ever has to deal with something like this. I wouldn't wish it on anyone! But the silver lining here (and there is always a silver lining if you dig deep enough) is that we did evoke some change with our persistence. The township has put a hold on a kennel licenses until further notices until they can get their stuff together and sort out their bylaws which are obviously not taken seriously due to lack of enforcement. Also, even though T and J somehow won a property variance hearing for their "kennel", we appealed it and, as of the time of writing this, they still do not meet the requirements agreed upon, so they will not be able to keep more than 3 dogs eventually, as is the law. Whether or not the township will enforce that though, or anything at all for that matter, is another story.
One last fact that I did not state was that multiple dogs have died in the hands of these people. On one occasion, we heard J say to T's daughter: "You killed my dog! You killed my f----ing dog!", blaming the children as always. Two more dogs died after that too. It's never their fault for anything. Countless times we heard them also blame their younger daughters who are only 10 and 12, one is autistic. That is just not right! I feel the worst for those poor kids and those dogs. I don't want to split their family up but what they are going through over there is not normal. The kids and dogs deserve better! No child or animal should be put in that situation... Ever!
There are so many more incidents that happened in the last year and a half. I could go on and on but I've already said so much here. I'll be impressed if anyone can get through it all. But if you managed to get through it somehow, please let me know if you've been through something similar or if you have any ideas for us.
As promised, here is the
TLDR version:
March 2019: Neighbors moved in with their 14-20 dogs.
April-August 2019: Things get progressively worse for them. There are constant fights there between family members and dogs. Dogs are also coming over to our property on a regular basis. Bylaw and police refuse to do their jobs.
September 2019: Cops showed up next door. There was an incident involving an assault. Oldest daughter's boyfriend assaulted J because of something involving a theft. Presumably, T and J stole money from them and things got ugly when they tried to get it back.
October 2019-January 2020: Numerous dogs at large. Our dog and children are approached by large huskies on our property multiple times. We are losing our patience with bylaw and OPP who are still doing nothing despite our tons of evidence. It's like they are waiting for something bad to happen before they act. Not on my watch!
February 2020: T and J apply for a property variance because their property does not meet zoning restrictions for a kennel on ALL sides of the property. They win despite our best efforts. We are furious about the Zoning committee's decision and we appeal it immediately absorbing further costs. Costs to us exceed $1000 at this point. Only 1 other neighbor steps forward to back us up. All others are too afraid to get involved or even sign our petition. Cowards!
March-Present: Many more incidents of dogs at large and also noise violations, trespassing, animal abuse, child abuse, deaths of animals due to neglect and even intentional damage to our property. We have tons of proof. We contact Bylaw, OPP, Mayor, Council, Township, CAS, OSPCA, CRA, PAWS, even provincial and federal MP's. No one does a thing. No justice! T and J continue to
shelter under the protection of COVID-19 exemptions and use the pandemic to their advantage in order to buy more time. During this time, T's daughter steps forward and confirms all our suspicions and more. She sides with us out of her own frustration of not being heard regarding her abuse and that of her sisters, including possible pedophilia.
I have lost all faith in
politics and the general structure of our democratic process. What a joke! It offers nothing but a false sense of security. Regardless, I will not allow any harm to come to my family or animals by the hands of T and J. I will protect them at all cost. I am ready to go to jail if I have to.
Thank you again in advance for your replies and for reading my lengthy post. It sure was cathartic at the very least. All the best to you and much love!
Matt Leger
Maple Grove Farm