About nine months ago, I sown my first ever patch of wheat. After a few skirmishes with birds a few weeks ago, and a few of them stupidly getting stuck in the net I added to protect my wheat, finally, the time for the harvest has come.
With my brand new scythe, I cut about a third of the patch. I didn't cut all the way down, just
enough to be able to hold the grains in my hand.
Now, I want to be sure that the next steps are the correct ones. How can I get all the grain ? As far as I understand, I'll need to beat the stalks so that the grains are the only thing left, and then use a fan to remove the envelope ? What are the steps, what are efficient ways to do it ? I've got about 10 sq meter of wheat, so I'm doing all of this by hand. Any guide on the subject would be awesome.