Everything is LUSH, and there are tons of flower buds on peppers, tomatoes, eggplant.
Eggplants have 4 fruits out of 9 plants + couple flowers plus buds, banana pepper is fruiting; flower buds - few are open, but no fruit on jalapeno, bell, cayenne, etc.
Tomatoes might actually be doing better, though the fruiting seems slow.
There is NO flower-drop on anything, nor any pests. I see pollinators, and the squash, etc nearby are fruiting.
Have "pinched"/pruned ALL during this last week - regular watering/rain. Full sun all day on all these plants. NO commercial fertilizer - just
compost and a little azomite to start.
We had very late freeze June 13, but the plants I saved/made it thru came back gangbusters.
Am I just messed up on MY timing because of late start?
Thinking not, because flower buds have been visible for month, but won't open.
VERY disconcerting - hope you guys have some advice/thoughts.
Happy harvesting to all!