Where do you put the grate?
I am totally new to
RMH's and have plans to build one later this year to heat my animal
outhouse. A longer burn would be very useful as the place is very drafty (it needs to be as there is a lot of moisture coming through the old soil floor) and sometimes we are only there for a couple hours before going home (we live 10 miles away).
A longer burn would mean more heat for the goats which would mean I could have them kidding in the winter. At the moment I can only kid them between May and September because of the harsh weather up here. As I have a waiting list for kids already for the next 2 years I could actually make a bit more money if I could increase my herd and kid them all year round.... so I am very interested in your
I have played with the idea of cutting sticks into 5cm pieces and add a large conical shaped wire mesh basket to the wood intake chamber to
feed the RMH for longer. This would work a bit like a pellet feed. But as I never built or used a RMH I am not sure if it would work or what other adaptations it would need. Presumably there would need to be a space for air intake, so the basket would have to be slightly smaller than the intake space.
Am I making any sense here ?
24 acres of grass/bog land in the Scottish Highlands
(Kune kune pigs, pygmy goats, chickens)
Planned: Build a RMH in the animal house, Build a green house