😁 pruning might be a big part of
the answer as much as I hate to say it, vines seem to love to be pruned, but your biggest problem is most likely the lack of sun.
One idea I'd like to float you, is making a taller trellis like 16-20 feet tall, letting the vines climb higher to get more sun, and then just prune all clusters of grapes that are out of your reach while they are still green, the leaves higher up will charge the grapes lower down... as I type this I realize this is adding quite a bit of labor 😜 but I think it would be an interesting alternative to taking down trees...
...you could also coppice the trees behind, so as to not kill them, and harvest the wins for basketry, garden stakes, etc.
Hope you have some luck and yummy grapes this next growing season.
Bonne chance!!