hehe it makes me laugh, not because I shouldn't get mad but because getting so mad will probably kill you. If you really want to have a stroke fast just start looking around at degenerative assets with
planned obsolescence. I just threw a fit at the home depot because theres no difference between a 90 dollar sewage pump and a 300 dollar sewage pump with the same specs, what's more both claim to handle 2 inch solids but what they don't tell you is it must be wet donuts. I can't pump my duck
pond to save my life without it clogging with feathers every 10 mins. I know it's off topic but if I didn't mention what's getting me mad at the moment I would probably die of an aneurism and fall into the
compost heap. The more money I spend the less I am able to know about a product before I buy it and the harder it is to return.