Good Morning Buenos Dias!!
[chronology is mainly for my records, so please enjoy the interesting parts =)]
Here is POST 4 of my BRK ("BARK"? LOL), (footage taken on day 7), from the peak of "Volcano", a hill/mountain near Fisher Price house
Here, a jaunty stroll up a hill is our backyard.. from the top, we see 1 neighbor's house in the distance and thousands of
Yesterday, in efforts to reduce
water consumption, a group of 9 of cheerful volunteers decided to take a dip in the nearby stream of water together instead of showering in a wooden box individually..
Of course both are luxurious and heavenly.. it seems that my spirit or soul or being really needed a dip in nature's summer refreshment..
While catching my breath, chest deep in the cold gentle river current, suddenly I found myself exclaiming "THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED IN MY LIFE!!!"
Surrounded by good, kind company and natures beauty, as the sun set, all that I felt was home.. for the first time in a long time..
"Its not the things that make our time on earff worthwhile; rather its the company we keep.. the things are just a nifty bonus.. true fulfillment seemingly dissolves the anxious cravings for the crumbs that come in the form of things. The company we keep may come in the form of people or places or experiences or a combination of these.."
City life has been great to me for the last 38 years.. Consumption of material things was my programming since childhood.. and it had its part in teaching me about my "WHY?".
Life in a tent surrounded by like-minded folk.. brings me a joy like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle..
No, I am not done yet. This is just the beginning of a new chapter.. and I know there will be much hard work involved.. and as long as I have the capacity, I am willing to work it hard..
For at the end, there's a nicely refreshing dip in the stream awaiting my arrival..