I think an unpressurized container on top of the barrel would work fine.
Maybe another barrel, cut down to a third in height and plumbed to circulate heated water to a series of other barrels.
Cover the open-top with a sheet of metal or piece of cement backer board.
I have been planning around the use of water heater tanks, as they are easy to come by and fitted for standard plumbing .
Fwiw, I don't think cooling the top and sides of the barrel
should be an issue.
I believe the combustion is supposed to be completed by that point.
In the original lore, the barrel was supposed to shed heat, and push the cooled gasses downward via gravity.
This thermal gravity pump was supposedly one reason why the the RMH didn't need a chimney to draft properly.
Currently most RMH practitioners seem to rely on a conventional chimney for draft.