Americans love fish and we { along with everyone else } are devoiding the oceans of " tasty " fishes like salmon and tuna etc. The ray family is actually quite good also. When I lived in SoCal I fished off the shore lines and piers
alot. Everyone hated catching "trash" fish like these. But if you watch the Filipinos , Samoans , and Mexican Peoples - You see they are eating alot of fish that most gringos throw back. Smelts , pompanos, and rays . The ray is cartligenous and has quite a bit of meat along the spine and out into the wings and is excellent for fish tacos. People
should eat more of these buggers and take the pressure off
the other ones. Also for the sheer fun of it - The Bat ray off the West coast will give you a run for the money , like hooking onto a bus. You will need 100lb test line. With sting rays do be careful - sting is not the word to describe what can happen to you - speared is better word . I brushed my thumb into tip of tail one time . Barely scratched it , felt like being jabbed with needle soaked in bleach { not that I know what that is like } . My thumb swelled up to the size of a kielbasa , all I could say was shitfire for a couple of days .