POST 95 (DAY 102, Friday, 2020.11.20)
[Morning Entry] ::: Comfort Zone :::
.. They had warned me about the "Comfort Zone".. Of
course, I didn't believe that it could be me who would succumb to such a naive kind of longing.. surely, I was past that stage of my life.. right?.. ha! .. Here I am today, seeking the comfort of my routines.. and whatever challenge it seems unfounded or irrelevant.. seems..
Who is "they"?.. the millionaire life coaches i had a chance to be around during a 5 year period of my life, when I too was striving to become a "millionaire".. they taught me important life things/principles.. one of which was to "Be willing to leave the comfort zone.." .. in fact much of the success principles they shared were about "The Willingness To.." .. these principles hold true then, today, and in almost every arena I enter.. I believe, from experiential knowledge, that without a willingness to learn and or change, there can be no progress.. As a part of me desperately seeks to find comfort in my routines and long-formed habits, I must be willing to challenge the status quo of my own life.. shall I remain comfortable or remain in flow?.. either can be painful at times.. oh, example time--
I felt a tug of war within myself when the scheduling for community cleaning was about to be changed from Sunday to Saturday.. I strongly prefer Sunday because then Saturday becomes a full day of no work.. somehow (perhaps irrationally) if I work friday and saturday, then have sunday off, it seems like a shorter weekend.. Does it really matter, Dez? .. probably not.. there's that part of me that wants to remain in routine and unchange.. I was reading a couple pages from "
Desert or Paradise" yesterday, and in it,
Sepp writes about the rage of
water (around page 36 or so).. nature provides water with meadows and places to slow down around the edges of the rivers, so that floods are reduced or eliminated (I believe he claims eliminated).. man-made structures like
concrete river banks allow the water to accelerate and create destructive forces that wash away humus and other good things.. water flows as nature intended.. flow is not man-made.. for best results, I believe I shall flow as water, as nature intends.. change.. progress.. growth.. pain.. the race is not yet finished..