Hey all,
One of my favorite wacky youtubers recently came out with a
video where he attempted to use 3d printing to create a pulejet jet engine. Naturally, most of the things he tried wound up bursting into flames in fairly short order. (Which is why he's one of my favorites. ;) ) In the end, however, (fast-forward to 12:09 in the video below) he came up with a means of using his design to form carbon-fiber and fireplace adhesive. According to specs the arrangement
should withstand temperatures of 1500C (aka 2700F).
Bringing the experiment back home to something relevant, people around here ask from time to time about portable rocket
heaters in trailers, tiny homes, yurts, etc. Usually the problem comes down to weight. The technique above could be just the solution they've been waiting for!
Furthermore, the flexibility of
carbon fiber could allow people to experiment with shapes, sizes, and geometries simply not possible with stacked fire bricks.
What do you think? Would it work?
Does the technique give you any new ideas you'd want to try?